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SPi stands out at Conecta Fiction 2024 with presentation of two new projects

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SPi stands out at Conecta Fiction 2024 with presentation of two new projects

Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT takes place from June 10th to 21st in Toledo, Spain. It is an international professional market focused on the creation, development, production, financing, broadcasting, marketing and commercialization of scripted and unscripted television content, positioned among the top 10 international television markets in the audiovisual industry.

The event received over 350 projects to be selected for pitch and SPi was the only production company to be selected for two pitches, with the projects A Célula Adormecida / The Sleeping Cell (Pitch CoPro) and Lugar ao Sol / A Place in the Sun (Pitch Music Series).


"A Place in the Sun"

"A Place in the Sun", a musical series made up of 8 episodes, was one of the 5 finalists in the Music Series section of Conecta Fiction. Created by Pedro Lopes, content director and executive producer at SPi, the series presents a unique and modern vision of the search for a second chance. The story portrays the life of Beatriz, who won over the public at a talent contest shortly after her 20th birthday. A contract with a record label, a cash prize that allowed her to rent her first apartment, several magazine covers and the title of promising young Portuguese pop singer. But the success didn't last long and now, at the age of 35, after an album that fell into oblivion and a schedule without concerts, she is about to give up on her musical career. Is there any hope for her in an industry dominated by men, where stars are increasingly a pretty face promoted by powerful marketing machines? And can love give encouragement to a singer about to abandon the microphone?

The pitch took place yesterday, June 19, with a presentation that included an emotional performance by actress and singer Sónia Lisboa, accompanied by Pedro Lopes. Pedro Lopes described the series as "a very modern musical, not about a young woman chasing her dream, but about a woman who has tried and failed, and has to decide whether to abandon her dream or fight to the end."

"The Sleeping Cell"

Today, June 20th, it was the turn of "The Sleeping Cell" to shine in the Copro Series section of Conecta Fiction. Adapted from the book of the same name by Nuno Nepomuceno, this 8-episode thriller/political espionage series was one of the 10 projects selected from over 200 submissions. The story portrays a conspiracy involving terrorist attacks carried out by an Islamic sleeper cell based in Lisbon and the mysterious death of the Portuguese Prime Minister. At the center of the investigation are Professor Afonso Catalão and journalist Diana Silva, who will do anything to uncover the truth. He, the only one capable of accessing the terrorist cell, hides a past full of obscure connections to the Arab world. She, a rising journalist, linked to power, who will do anything to find out who killed the politician. Two investigations, two characters who will have to learn to trust each other. But how can they do that if they don't trust themselves?

The presentation was led by screenwriter Miguel Simal, who collaborated on the script alongside Nepomuceno, and Manuel Claro. This pitch, full of tension and mystery, stood out for its narrative depth and political relevance.


SPi's success at Conecta Fiction

SPi's participation in Conecta Fiction reinforces its reputation as a creative force on the audiovisual scene. Known for producing Netflix's first original series in Portugal, "Glória", and other notable productions such as "Codex 632" and "Vanda", SPi continues to set new standards with its innovative and captivating narratives.

This year, Conecta Fiction received more than 350 projects submitted for the various pitch sessions. The rigorous selection resulted in only 10 finalists in the Copro Series section and 5 in the Music Series section. The awards ceremony will be held today at 5.45pm (Spanish time), and there is great anticipation surrounding the results.


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